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Update: USA-Faustball - Turnierserie im Sommer

Update: USA-Faustball - Turnierserie im Sommer

Die Faustballer der USA arbeiten intensiv mit Gastão Englert, der bis zur WM 2015 in Argentinien als Trainer der US-Nationalteams fungiert, und versuchen, den Faustballsport auch in den USA weiter zu verbreiten. Im Sommer (Juli 2014) findet wieder eine Turnierserie in den USA statt, zu der sich United States Fistball Association sehr über europäische und österreichische Teilnehmer_innen freuen würde.

Update: Gastão hat uns in den letzten Tagen kontaktiert, und um erneute Veröffentlichung der US-Fautballturniere gebeten.

Update März 2014:

US fistball summer season - 1st US FISTBALL OPEN TOURNAMENT

Hi fistball partners,
As you know already, Since i came to US as a coach we are trying to put US inside the summer fistball circuit.
Therefore, we begun last your to organize 3 tournaments in back to back weekends in US.
Last year the team from Guarani, Brazil, came to play and was awesome. The guys met US, enjoy very much new friends and of course play fistball with.

This is one of the strategy to make fistball stronger and bigger inside USA.
Please share the folder attached on e-mail. It is also in my facebook and USFA web page as well.
Our target is to have two teams to play with us. Bring your team! invited other teams. Spread away the news.
The more you share the bigger is the chance for us to host another fistball teams.

This year is more special because now we have officially a USFA fistball field. A Field exclusive for the US fistball federation. The space is big enough to put 4 fistball fields inside and is a very nice place.
For this new fistball spec we create a special fistball tournament too.
The name of the first summer US tournament is: 1st US FISTBALL OPEN TOURNAMENT.
Will be a pleasure to have some of you here.
Thanks for share the idea.
Best Fistball Regards 

Gastão Englert
+55 51 9172.4848

General Coordinator of Team Operations
USFA - United States Fistball Association

USFA 2014 invitational tournament invite (PDFGröße: 197.14 KB)


Interessierte Mannschaften (gerne auch gemischte Teams aus mehreren Vereinen) melden sich bitte direkt bei Gastão Englert gastao[at]gastaoenglert.com.br. Bei Interesse bitte auch um Info an den ÖFBB.

2014 - USA Fistball Summer Season

Dear Partner from IFA,
For the 2nd year we are organizing in USA the Summer Fistball season.
As you know, the idea is to put the fistball community closer to US players and clubs reinforcing the fistball relationship.
The aim is motivate more people and clubs to play fistball inside USA. Each tournament wil be held in two days. 1st normal tournament day and 2nd is "fun and fellowship day". Another day tournament with mixed teams.  

Will be 3 tournaments in back to back weekends starting in Wiscounsin, then SSC (New Jersey) and then Phoenix Club (Philadelphia).

We are talking about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd weekend from July 2014.

Your support to indicate and reinforce the visit is crucial for the fistball.
Look the file attached.
Best Regards.
Gastão Englert
USFA - United States Fistball Association
General Coordinator of Team Operation

email Gastão 

Informationen "Fistball Tournaments USA July 2014" (PDFGröße: 108.07 KB)


20.01.2014 12:52


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